Italian Good Living | Venturini Baldini: the many shades of hospitality

Venturini Baldini: the many shades of hospitality

The well-known Emilian company represents an example of multifunctional wine tourism that ranges from major events to more intimate experiences in the charming Roncolo 1888 resort.

By Fabio Piccoli

Venturini Baldini, nestled in the famous “Matildic hills” between Parma and Reggio Emilia, is a highly recommended trip if you wish to experience wine tourist hospitality in all of its forms.
Before delving into the description of the hospitality of this historic Emilian brand, I want to emphasize that Venturini Baldini is first and foremost a beautiful place. You realize it immediately upon entering Venturini Baldini’s large gate.

A large lawn in the company center, in addition to the many rows of vines, represents the key location for Venturini Baldini’s wine tourism: the one dedicated to “major events” capable of attracting, in pre-covid periods, even a few thousand guests.

Julia Prestia, the estate’s owner since 2015, recalls the company’s decision to expand up to a younger audience in particular through “aperitifs in the vineyard” twice a week, with live music and a foodtruck set up in the vast grass area. “Our firm lends itself to larger-scale events,” Julia explains, “therefore we decided to increase our hospitality strategy”.

But this is just one of the many shades of hospitality at Venturini Baldini, which is investing extensively in wine tourism, both structurally and financially, thanks to the new Prestia administration.

The most remarkable aspect is that it is doing it with a highly open mindset, intercepting many sorts of targets without losing sight of the company’s wine essence. Venturini Baldini continues to be an authoritative ambassador of Lambrusco, which expresses itself in some of its greatest forms here, due to the astute winemaking guidance of Carlo Ferrini. “Hospitality is really essential to us”, Julia says, “but we never forget that we are first and foremost winemakers.”

The Roccolo 1888 resort (the modern Villa Manodori), established on the so-called “Matildic foundations”, represents the second key aspect of the Emilian company’s hospitality. The facility, which dates back to the early 1500s, is positioned on a lovely hill above the company, where there is also a historic vinegar factory.
The resort consists of 9 rooms and two suites, which overlook the splendid scenery of the Italian garden, the vineyards, and the adjacent Roncolo natural park. However, Julia informed us that the resort will be expanding soon and, considering the Prestias’ ambitious spirit and all they have done in little over five years, we have no doubts about that.

The luxurious Tagliaré restaurant in Limonaia is also located inside the resort area, and is operated this year by chef Mario Comitale, who has extensive expertise in Italian quality catering (starting with the restaurant of the prestigious Hotel Baglioni in Bologna). Everything at Venturini Baldini is meticulously studied: elegance, as always, is the product of attention to detail.

The ingredients of the Emilian company’s wine tourism concept are numerous, but if I had to pick one, I would say the blend of naturalness (far wilder, owing to the enormous wood encircling the estate and rising to over 500 meters above sea level) and elegance of the structures.

Nevertheless, everything would lose its flavour without Julia’s stamp and her loyal employees. Julia’s extensive worldwide experience is evident in the establishment of Venturini Baldini, which can now speak to the entire world.