What makes the contained magic of the atmosphere of what was the first capital of Italy fascinating is the slow rhythm of the river that weaves through Turin, which deeply characterizes it.

It goes from one project to another. I get excited every time I visit the Consortium. After having recently presented the Prosecco Rosé, its success repaying the time and tenacity required in setting up the supply chain, the Prosecco DOC Consortium is already working to achieve another objective: that of environmental sustainability and product diversification. Download the printable version An objective that I’m trying to understand by talking with …

The first documents quoting a wine called Prosecco date back to the end of XVII century and describe a white, delicate wine, that originates from the Karst in Trieste and, in particular, in the village of Prosecco.

Matera European Capital of Culture 2019Between caverns and gullies, ascetics and ravinesFrom the Paleolithic to today, the Sassi di Matera have never been abandonedRock dwellings and churches, cultural excursions in a living park, an indelible World Heritage Site Living inside a rock, in a cave, knowing how to capture and retain the power of natural light, how to manage it, defend it and at the same time have security, …